
The following section will provide key information to help you install BII-DataManager and BII Web application.


BII-Data-Manager installed

Please refer to the Installation guidelines before trying to use BII-Data-Manager

Starting BII-Data-Manager:

Simply issue to the following commands from the directory where BII-Data-Manager has been installed:

>run.bat for Windows users.

>./ for Mac OSX or linux users.

The following screen should show indicated that the application has successfully started.

BII-Data-Manager is part of the ISA infrastructure. As such, it shares a number of behavior with other tools such as ISAcreator. In particular, the first thing to do in order to run the tool is to select an ISAconfiguration:

Once done, one needs to create an account by clicking this icon:

Or login if an account already exists by filling the relevant fields and hitting the enter key or the login button: