ISA Software Suite Documentation

This documentation is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Table of Contents

1. BII web application 1.4 installation guidelines
What are BII-Manager and BII Web application?
I have Apache server running and port 8080 is already in use, How can I change this?
The browse view does not seem to work !
2. BII Data Manager 1.3 user guide
What is BII-Data-Manager?
Using BII Data Manager
Data Loader Function
Data Unloader Function
Indexing Function
Security and Ownership management
Exporting ISA-Tab file from BII Database
3. ISAconfigurator User Manual
What is ISAconfigurator
Getting the software
Installating the build version
Getting familiar with ISAconfigurator user interface
ISAconfigurator Layout overview
Creating a Configuration from scratch
ISAconfigurator Menus
Creating a New Table
Adding New elements to a Table
Loading existing ISAconfigurations
Saving an ISAconfiguration
Future Developments
MIBBI checkout generated ISAconfigurations
MIBBI checkout generated ISAconfigurations
ISAconfiguration and RDF export
Contact - Feedback - Feature Requests - Bug Reports
4. ISAcreator User Manual
Why use ISAcreator?
Getting started
Getting the software
Installing the latest build version
Creating a User Account
Why do i need to register and create an account?
Setting Proxy Parameters in ISAcreator
Setting default locations for ISAconfigurations and ISA datasets?
Using ISAcreator
Why does ISAcreator require an ISA configuration to run?
Getting familiar with ISAcreator user interface
Creating a Study manually
Visualization Functions in ISACreator
Spreadsheet Highlighting of groups
Graphical Representation of Treatment Groups
Advanced Features
Experimental Design Wizard: Supporting Intervention Study Design
Dealing with legacy data: Importing Spreadsheet and ISACreator Mapping Tool
Plugin Architecture
QRCode Creation Plugin
Annotator Service