Creating a Configuration from scratch

ISAconfigurator Menus

  1. File Menu

  2. Mapping Menu

Creating a New Table

  1. Study Sample Table

  2. Assay Table

Adding New elements to a Table

The Different Types of Elements

Predefined Field

Structural Field

Custom Field

Element Datatypes

In this section, we describe and show all the datatypes which can be assigned to a particular ISA syntactic element.


Select this datatype to enable reporting of free text.

Selecting "string" as datatype modifies the user interface and offers the option to validate input by defining a regular expression, to look for a pattern, check on length.

String validation by regular expression

Once a regular expression has been set, it is possible to test it by activating the button.







Element Behaviour Attributes

This section offers the following option:

  1. Make the field required


    Making a field required entails that information MUST be provided. Failure to do so while using an ISAconfiguration with such requirement will cause validation failure and the error message will look like this:

  2. Allow the field to occur more than once

    Check the tick box to enable this behavior when used in ISAcreator.

  3. Allow the field to call the file chooser widget

    Check the tick box to enable this behavior when used in ISAcreator. Please refer to ISAcreator Section X.Y.Z for more details about the File Chooser Widget.


    Please refer to ISAcreator Section X.Y.Z for more details about the File Chooser Widget.

Element Wizard Template


In most case, this element should not be altered. Only advanced users, who have a good understanding of the logics used in ISAcreator Study Design Wizard should modify this section

What is this all about ?

The information supplied in this section is used to autogenerated Material, Assay and possibly DataFile object identifiers by relying a pattern. This ensure consistent sample naming across an entire experiment. Also, it allow quick creation of ISA-Tab file templates.

Loading existing ISAconfigurations

Saving an ISAconfiguration

Once all tables have been defined, it is possible to save ISAconfiguration in the form of set of xml files. To do so, go to File, then Save as...: